5 reasons why you have to look at the cloud for your contact center

Two-thirds of the contact centers moved to the cloud in the last 12 months. The contact centers moved to the cloud to keep their floors running as a response to the pandemic. 


That being said, the contact centers now have started seeing several other reasons why the cloud makes sense for them.


There are several reasons why cloud would make sense, and the top 5 reasons are: 


1. Flexibility

It allows you to avoid high capital investments for your contact center infrastructure. You are only talking about operational expenses, where you pay by the minute for all of the infrastructure that you use. You pay for your dialer, integrations, telephony, storage, and analytics, all put together by the minute.


Besides, you can scale up and down the number of agents based on your business demands. No infrastructure is lying unutilized with zero sunk costs at any point in time. 


2. Increased uptime

What does cloud bring to uptime issues? You are most likely to host it on a platform like Google Cloud, AWS, or Azure. They have put in all that it takes to make their infrastructure scalable and redundant. All of these are available on a need basis. You can safely assume an uptime of 99.9% and add a redundant carrier to this, and you are good to go. 


Just imagine the customer service that you can provide with close to zero downtime on your offerings.


3. Access to applications and intelligence

Think of a situation where you want to add speech analytics to your contact center and integrate it with your CRM. We are easily talking thousands of dollars as additional investments that might be prohibitively expensive for a mid-sized contact center to procure and maintain. However, we are looking at a few cents extra for every minute of your usage with the cloud offering. 


This would allow your agents to manage every customer conversation better, and the intelligence adds up over a period that will enable you to provide a better and better customer experience.

4. Security and compliance

You name your need, and your cloud provider would most likely have – disaster recovery plans, high visibility of the environment, monitoring logs of cloud activity, identify access management tools, automated services, and encrypting data at all times. 


Imagine the amount of effort and dollars needed to have this infrastructure up and running. All of these are already addressed by your provider. 


What about compliance? 

Your cloud infrastructure comes with compliance like HIPAA, HL7, PCI-DSS, SOC, ISO 27001, SSAE16/ISAE 3402 Type II standards. This makes you call center compliant with most customer compliance requirements as well. Isn’t that a significant advantage? 


5. Reduced reliance on IT

The biggest challenge that traditional contact centers face is that they are far too dependent on IT to set up, maintain, and operate the contact center. There are too many variables associated with internal IT – capabilities, infrastructure availability, and reliability. You can remove all of these unknowns and safely do away with the dependence on IT to operate your contact center.

While the cloud provides all of these advantages, people were initially hesitant to adopt this model. It has taken a pandemic to make people realize the benefits of the cloud.


From here on, I guess there is no looking back for the cloud contact centers platforms. It is only onward and upward, mainly because of the benefits that it offers its customers.

The ubiquitousness of cloud contact centers – the accidental discovery

When the pandemic struck in 2020, all of a sudden, contact centers had to figure out a way to make agents’ work from home. Most on-premise solution providers couldn’t react to that situation, as they wanted at least a few months to come up with a solution to help agents’ work remotely. 


The second option that the contact centers had was to let their agents connect to their on-premise contact centers remotely using their VPN clients. This was expensive for organizations, and it wasn’t working as expected. 


They had to pay for every license, and it was a considerable drag on the bandwidth consumption. Most homes of agents did not have stable broadband connections. This solution was not feasible. 


The only option that the contact centers had was to look at cloud options to be operational immediately. And they chose the cloud options. Two-thirds of the call centers migrated to the cloud once the pandemic set in.  


Once they moved to the cloud contact centers software, they realized that they could massively unlock the business potential.


Some of the values that cloud helped contact centers unlock are:


  1. Better customer engagement – cloud made it easier to invest in social channels, chatbots, or business intelligence platforms 
  2. Flexible scheduling – agents can work from anywhere and flexible timings, allowing organizations to address the needs of customers from various geographies
  3. Analytics-driven strategies – integration with analytics tools help improve agent-customer interactions
  4. Integrations – easy integrations with helpdesk software, CRM, and ERP systems, making better decisions and customer service. It enhances the relationship between the dialer and other tools by easily sharing information across systems. 
  5. Anywhere access – live call monitoring is easier to implement. Calls are recorded, stored, and analyzed, and supervisors can access this intelligence from anywhere to make data-driven decisions
  6. Resource ramping – you can ramp up and down the number of resources with just a click of a button
  7. Reduce implementation timeframes – you can be up and running within 24 to 48 hours, unlike the legacy days
  8. Less barrier to entry – we are talking only about operational expenses and not capital expenses
  9. Performance and security – 99.9% availability of contact centers, with stringent security standards and in-built compliance to industry standards like HIPAA, PCI-DSS, and ISO 27001  

These were possible only for enterprise-level contact centers earlier, not for the mid-sized and smaller ones. 


Today, the agents are happier than ever, as it allows them to engage their customers better and have flexible and remote work schedules. 

Illness to wellness – improving patient care using technology

In Part 1 Blog (the patient care journey is fast-changing), we spoke about how providing and ensuring patient care is critical. In this part, we will talk about how you can improve patient care using technology.


How do you go about ensuring patient care?

Accessing quality information and care will be difficult without the use of technology. It is necessary now to enhance access through innovative use of technology to reach out to patients, and it makes a lot more practical sense during these extreme pandemic times.


People often consider excellent customer service as an essential part of healthcare. The use of technology minimizes room for error, and providing a superior user experience enhances patient satisfaction, thereby improving the quality of care.


We have covered some of the critical attributes of leveraging technology and bringing in accountability to enhance patient care:



A medical emergency can happen at any time. Patients need to know that they can contact their healthcare provider 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Traditionally, a receptionist functions as the main point of contact between your business and the public. However, an in-house receptionist can only work so many hours a day and so many days in a week.


You could hire multiple receptionists to work on a rotating schedule. With the technology disruption, Virtual patient counselors through automated bots are becoming mainstream. Virtual Patient counselors’ advantages are that they start learning at a fast pace based on the clinical condition and integration with the Patient clinical records providing a superior and consistent user experience.


These Virtual patient counselors supported by Trained Patient counselors from the hospital supplement the personal touch and compassionate care. We have consistently seen patient satisfaction going up where technology and humans co-exist, resulting in improving quality of care and optimizing costs.



A lot of people prefer scheduling medical appointments online. It saves time and, if executed properly, limits the risk of miscommunication. As more businesses move to the digital sphere, making your healthcare website or online portal user-friendly is essential for providing excellent customer service.


The digital disruption is also leading to broader adoption of Patient care portals which provide extensive and personalized information based on their clinical conditions besides becoming a single point of contact for managing patient data between the provider and receiver.


The pandemic has accelerated the disruption of certain care areas with the innovative use of technologies. Telemedicine is now being increasingly reinvented in many ways with a choice of online digital portals and medical devices for continuous monitoring of patient health conditions assisted by video consultations with caregivers. The new Digital cocktail is leading a tremendous upsurge of innovations in point of care. Without exception, every home can now have access to high-quality care at affordable costs from the best of the consultants, a dream till around a year ago.


We are also seeing Innovative usage of Telemedicine being integrated with AI-assisted medical imaging solutions reducing time and significantly reducing costs to patients. The rise of AI in medical imaging itself is set to transform early detection and intervention and save high costs to patients over time.



Not long ago, we have seen providers using a “top-down” approach to patient services. This means a set of protocols being defined, and the patient service counselors rigorously follow the routine in providing the care. For a long time, these regimes have isolated the medical administrators from the reality of what patients want and resulted in higher patient dissatisfaction impacting patient outcomes and inconsistent financial performance.


With the advent of the digital revolution, we see providers use technology and automation to try and manage the outcome by exception. This has resulted in more informed patients, counselors, and providers improving the quality of care.


Further, with the extensive feedback system at every point of care, you can probably narrow down the feedback loop to the point where it gets dysfunctional and run quality programs to enhance outcomes. This has seen every patient participating in the feedback process and intelligent systems running the exceptions leading to higher satisfaction levels with patients, satisfied employees, and other caregivers.


Extensive use of multiple digital channels like SMS, emails, IVRS, BOTS, etc., help to collect patient feedback, surveys, patient education at the point of care, resulting in a significant amount of data for future use. The learning also becomes a valuable guide to enhance internal training and fine-tuning protocols, optimizing costs, and significantly enhancing value.



With the extensive availability of data, the medical administration now has many data points to act upon and more so to really recognize their Star performers and suitably recognize them for their outstanding and consistent work. We have seen extensive data integration from feedback. Work performance going into the rewards and recognition program has worked wonders.


Patient service suffers when a healthcare organization lacks accountability, and more so when he knows they will not be held accountable for their actions, they’re more inclined to provide poor customer service. Moreover, with accountability, you can help your business identify areas where it can improve more, mainly when a patient service issue arises.


Bottom Line

Excellent patient service can help you create a loyal fan base. A happy, satisfied patient is more likely to come back – and even refer people – to you and your facility if they have received exceptional care. If a patient gets a less than warm feeling, they are likely to search out the next option because they assume that’s a reflection of the care they will receive. However, if they encountered pleasant service, they would be likely to retain services. The reputation that you develop will be vital in determining whether patients seek you out in the future.


Digital leaders adopt newer technologies to drive operational efficiency, proactive patient care educating patients through their wellness programs and other outreach programs. They are increasingly relying on data leveraging proven and next-gen technologies to enhance patient experience and delight.

At the end of the day, you want your patients and customers to be happy. Happy patients return – and refer others. Hence sustained investment in patient engagement and leveraging technology for outcomes and engagement significantly improves loyalty, leading to patient retention and referral and more likely to enhance revenue in view of better engagement and outcomes.

You pick up the phone! I can reach a real person.

I was honestly surprised that my company, CD Baby, was such a runaway success. But I was even more surprised to find out why, said Derek Sivers. 


CD had lots of powerful, well-funded competitors, but after a few years, they were all but gone, and we dominated our niche of selling independent music. 150,000 musicians, 2 million music-buying customers, $139 million in revenue, $83 million paid directly to musicians. 


What was the secret to CD Baby’s success? Derek adds I never did any marketing. Everyone came by word-of-mouth. But why? 


For years, Derek asked hundreds of clients why they chose CD Baby instead of the alternatives.


Was it the pricing? The features? Nope.


The #1 answer, by far, almost every time someone raved about the company, was this: 


“You pick up the phone! I can reach a real person.”


Their customer service principle has always been, your call gets picked up in the first two rings. 


This was in the year 2014. They continue to do it even today. 


Why wouldn’t other organizations do this? 

Isn’t customer more important than the company? The easiest way by which you can improve customer loyalty and make your customer a brand ambassador is through better customer service. 


Exceptional customer service is a revenue generator. Customer support is the lynchpin in the entire customer journey. Proactive organizations leverage customer service as an opportunity to delight customers and engage them in new, exciting ways. 


Exceptional customer service stories

These are some exceptional customer service stories made available by live agents on call. 


Rackspace – a Rackspace employee, was in the middle of helping a customer through a marathon troubleshooting session when she heard the customer tell a colleague that she was hungry. The support professional put them on hold and ordered her customers a pizza. 

They were still on the phone when it arrived 30 minutes later. The customers were delighted, and the support professional knew that everyone would have fuel to power through until it was resolved. [Source: Helpscout.com]

Trader Joe’s – Trader Joe’s has a cult following for a reason. Everyone has a favorite Trader Joe’s customer service story, and here is one of those. 


One day, an 89-year-old man was snowed in at his Pennsylvania home around the holidays. His daughter was concerned about getting him food and called a bunch of stores to see if anyone delivered. 


Trader Joe’s broke their own policy to deliver the gentleman items that fit his low-sodium diet – all free of charge. In fewer than 30 minutes, a Trader Joe’s team member was knocking on the door with a full delivery. [Source: Helpscout.com]


Customer service, after all, is a philosophy. Derek Sivers says the things to keep in mind are: 


  1. You can afford to be generous
  2. The customer is more important than the company
  3. Customer service is a profit center
  4. Every interaction is your moment to shine 
  5. Lose every fight 
  6. Rebelliously right the wrongs of the world